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Warlock Woodcraft offers some of the most amazing one off pieces of custom furniture anywhere.  Each piece created will be made from client specific direction.  Vincent the founder of the company and lead carpenter/creator will be with you in every aspect of the design and production. From choosing the wood, hardware and then the ultimate look your are going for.  The Warlock Tables are made from the finest woods from around the world and the old world meets new design ideas are exceptional. 


Regardless of the specific item, Tables, Doors, shelving, accessories etc. you will begin by joining your designer at the mill.  You get to choose the one of a kind piece of wood for your project.  From there the creative process truly begins... discussions for the look and finish and how you will use the piece or show it off !

Your creative carpenter will discuss creative ideas and options. 

integrated Resins and color.  Hardware and fixtures. From there, your one of a kind wood slab will be plained and prepped for delivery.  

A video captures the process and production as your ideas come to life.  In approximately 4 weeks your work of art will be ready for final delivery.

The Story: The Story
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